My miracle prayer story - what happened
I have several miracle prayer stories. This one happen in January 2010. My pastor had asked the church members to participate in 10 days of fasting and prayer.
10 day Master cleanse as my fast, which is a
detox or cleansing diet.
After you finish a fast you are suppose to gradually get back to eating again.
The Master cleanse provides specific instructions on how to do this. It takes another 3 days before you can eat regularly again.
My miracle story - breaking the fast
Well the 2nd day after I finished my fast I was really hungry and thought I would eat some garlic mashed potatoes, which I purchased from a restaurant. I figured the potatoes were already mashed so it should be okay, I even ate the garlic clove I found in the mashed potatoes.
Well I am not sure if it was because I ate the garlic mashed potatoes too soon, or if I had food poisoning. However I started to feel ill a few hours after, and then started to throw up.
My miracle story's gory details -
At first it was a mixture of the orange and the mashed potatoes (sorry for the gory details). The second time at the end it was colored pink. I thought, I haven't eaten anything pink or red. However the third time I was throwing up blood. To say that I was frightened would be an understatement.
I went to my desk and googled "throwing up blood". The responses were go immediately to the hospital. However I said, Lord I don't want to go to the hospital (for reasons I will not state here) please help me.
I called my husband and told him I was sick and to come and get me, but I did not tell him I was throwing up blood, because he would have rushed me to the hospital.
My husband took me home and left, and I googled "throwing up blood" again and got the same response, go immediately to the hospital. And again I prayed LORD, I don't want to go the hospital, you are the great physician, please help me.
My miracle prayer story - persistence in prayer
In between lying in bed, moaning and throwing up blood I continued to pray for God to help me, and not to have to go to the hospital. Finally as I lay there I said, God please help me....., if you don't help me soon I will have to tell my husband and have him take me to the hospital. Please help me, and tell me what I can do to help myself.
My miracle prayer story - healing
I felt impressed to take some cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is considered a contact healer. However it is also hot and part of the
Master cleanse diet . So I wasn't sure if it had cause my problem. But anyway I got up put the cayenne in water and drank it, and laid back down. I haven't thrown up since.
In fact in April 2010 I went to the doctor to make sure my insides were okay, and got a clean bill of health.
I did finally tell my husband, 2 months later : )
Praise God for my miracle prayer story and promises in his word-
Ephesians 3:20 (King James Version)
20. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
James 5:15 (King James Version)
15. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
Click here to read more bible verses about healing.
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