Following is a collection of Bible Videos from youtube that I think you may find interesting. Make sure you have a Bible to study along with them. Always check that what anyone is saying is backed up by the Bible.
Listed beside these Bible Videos are the names and what the videos are about.
The Spade Unearths The Truth, by Walter Veith This video bible study shows how archeology has proven the Bible to be true. |
Final Events of Bible Prophecy - Amazing Facts with Doug Bachelor. Are we living in the End Times? Are there signs that let us know that the End is near?
Signs of the Times / The Whole Truth - Walter Veith |
Bible Prophecy End Times: How Near Is The End; 2 Bible Videos by David Asscherick and Mark Finley Something is about to happen, and the Bible has the answers. What should you be watching for? What are the signs in nature?
A Summary of the book of Daniel, which provide an overview of the Chapters 1 to 12. Did Belshazzar learned anything from his father Nebuchadnezzar? What happened between the Son of man and the Ancient of days... |
Daniel Bible Studies Chapter 2 Video Bible Studies and discussions about Nebuchadnezzar's dream, and what the dream was about. |
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Daniel Bible Study Chapter 2 Contd... Interpretation of the statue of gold, silver, bronze, iron, and iron and clay, in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. |
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3 Separate Video Bible Studies On The 4 Beasts Three interpretations of the 4 Beasts of Daniel Chapter 7. The lion, the bear, the leopard, and the 4th beast. Also what does the little horn represent... |
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The following books titled 'Daniel and Revelation' are an in-depth study of the prophecies found in the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation. It gives detailed explanations that align scripture with history and proves Bible prophecy to be true.
They are available in paperback, hardcover, and kindle versions.
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